AUGUST 2024 newsletter
Hello spring,
The holiday is officially over! It was great but I am soooo excited to be home and get back to the routine and work, honestly. In case you haven't noticed, I am a creature of habit and in routine, I am living my best life, haha. Part of my healing comes from healing others, and I look forward to meeting you all again. Bookings are open on the website or you can give me a call.
Spring is only a few short weeks away, and I’m sure all of you are even more excited about it than I am. Sunshine and warmth sounds great. Since I have been raving about sleep and rest all autumn and winter, now is the time to gear up and start being more active. With light comes energy, so make the most of it and be outside as much as possible. Follow nature’s lead and shed the old and grow new.
As we live in such a digital world I’m sure everyone has something that calculates steps. Make it a challenge for the next 4 weeks to get 10 000 steps every day. If you are like me and would prefer to leave devices at home, measure the distance or time roughly that will give you the steps needed, and next time you can enjoy your walk without any interruptions.
Hope to see you all soon. I am here to help you build your best Spring routine and support your wellbeing.